The Run Space#

Projection runs

The Run space represents projection runs. This space is parameterized with run_id, and for each value of run_id, a dynamic subspace is created, representing a specific run associated to the run_id.



an integer key representing the run identity


The sample code below shows how to create Run[1] and examine its contents.

>>> import modelx as mx

>>> m = mx.read_model("IntegratedLife")

>>> m.Run[1]
<ItemSpace IntegratedLife.Run[1]>

>>> m.Run[1].run_id

>>> m.Run[1].GMXB.run_id

>>> m.Run[1].GMXB.result_pv()

                 Premiums         Death  ...  Change in AV  Net Cashflow
point_id scen                            ...
1        1     50000000.0  4.535395e+06  ...  1.141797e+07  6.097680e+06
         2     50000000.0  4.592794e+06  ...  1.244402e+07  6.732840e+06
         3     50000000.0  4.514334e+06  ...  1.215701e+07  6.499784e+06
         4     50000000.0  4.667772e+06  ...  1.250695e+07  6.648902e+06
         5     50000000.0  4.403177e+06  ...  1.138434e+07  6.107113e+06
                  ...           ...  ...           ...           ...
8        96    32500000.0  3.013149e+06  ...  5.651292e+06 -1.669267e+07
         97    32500000.0  3.050556e+06  ...  8.690729e+06 -6.839240e+05
         98    32500000.0  3.013149e+06  ...  3.701018e+06 -1.436214e+07
         99    32500000.0  3.230455e+06  ...  8.484874e+06  1.174996e+06
         100   32500000.0  3.013149e+06  ...  7.439794e+06 -1.503688e+06

[800 rows x 9 columns]

The GMXB Space#

Product space for GMXB products

GMXB is a product space for GMDB and GMAB products. It is a child space of Run, and a subspace of ProductBase. All the contents are inherited from ProductBase, so see ProductBase for the details.