simplelife Cashflow#

This notebook calculates the cash flows of a sample whole life policy. It then outputs a graph depicting the net cash flows, along with a breakdown of the cash flow components.

Click the badge below to run this notebook online on Google Colab. You need a Google account and need to be logged in to it to run this notebook on Google Colab. Run on Google Colab

The next code cell below is relevant only when you run this notebook on Google Colab. It installs lifelib and creates a copy of the library for this notebook.

import sys, os

if 'google.colab' in sys.modules:
    lib = 'simplelife'; lib_dir = '/content/'+ lib
    if not os.path.exists(lib_dir):
        !pip install lifelib
        import lifelib; lifelib.create(lib, lib_dir)

    %cd $lib_dir
import os
import modelx as mx
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns

polid = 171
proj = mx.read_model('model').Projection[polid]

# %% Draw NetCashflows Graph
data = {'NetCashflows': [proj.NetInsurCF[t] for t in range(50)]}
ax = pd.DataFrame(data).plot.line(marker='o', color='r')

# %% Draw componets of net cashflows

vars = ['PremIncome',

df = proj.cells[vars].to_frame(range(50))

df[vars[1:]] = df[vars[1:]].mul(-1)   # Change outflows to negatives
df.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, ax=ax, title='Insurance Cashflows')
<Axes: title={'center': 'Insurance Cashflows'}, xlabel='t'>