.. currentmodule:: lifelib.libraries .. _relnotes_v0.8.1: ================================== lifelib v0.8.1 (3 May 2023) ================================== This release adds a new example in :mod:`~savings`. To update lifelib, run the following command:: >>> pip install lifelib --upgrade If you're using Anaconda, use the ``conda`` command instead:: >>> conda update lifelib New Example =============== This release adds a new example, :doc:`/libraries/savings/savings_example4` in :mod:`~savings`. The example shows how to profile and optimize a model using ``CashValue_ME_EX1`` as an example. The optimization approach involves replacing pandas DataFrames and Series with numpy arrays. The optimized model used in the example is included in :mod:`~savings` as ``CashValue_ME_EX4``. The example is based on recommendation given by `alexeybaran `_