.. currentmodule:: lifelib.libraries .. _relnotes_v0.4.1: ================================= lifelib v0.4.1 (22 May 2022) ================================= This release introduces a new library, :mod:`~assets`. To update lifelib, run the following command:: >>> pip install lifelib --upgrade If you're using Anaconda, use the ``conda`` command instead:: >>> conda update lifelib New Library =============== The :mod:`~assets` library is for modeling portfolios of financial instruments. Currently, the library includes one model, :mod:`~assets.BasicBonds`. :mod:`~assets.BasicBonds` models a portfolio of fixed rate bonds, generates cashflows and calculates the market value of the portfolio. :mod:`~assets.BasicBonds` uses `QuantLib`_, a third-party open-source library for financial instrument valuation. .. _QuantLib: https://www.quantlib.org/ .. seealso:: * `Modeling assets with QuantLib | modelx blog `_