.. currentmodule:: lifelib.libraries .. _relnotes_v0.3.1: ================================= lifelib v0.3.1 (24 October 2021) ================================= This release adds a new example in the :mod:`~savings` library, and updates some formulas in the :mod:`~savings` models. To update lifelib, execute the command:: >>> pip install lifelib --upgrade New Example =============== An example is added to the :mod:`~savings` library. This example shows how to extend :mod:`~savings.CashValue_ME` to a stochastic model, by going through a classic exercise of calculating the time value of options and guarantees on a plain variable annuity with GMAB by two methods, the Black-Scholes-Merton formula and Monte Carlo simulation with risk-neutral scenarios. This example consists of an example model, a Jupyter notebook and some Python scripts. The model is developed from :mod:`~savings.CashValue_ME` and named ``CashValue_ME_EX1``. The Python scripts included in :mod:`~savings` are used to draw graphs on the :doc:`Gallery` page The Jupyter notebook describes the ``CashValue_ME_EX1`` model, explains the changes from the original model, and outputs some graphs on the :doc:`Gallery` page. .. table:: :widths: 20 80 ========================================= =============================================================== File or Folder Description ========================================= =============================================================== CashValue_ME_EX1 The example model for *savings_example1.ipynb* savings_example1.ipynb Jupyter notebook :doc:`/libraries/savings/savings_example1` plot_av_paths.py Python script for :doc:`/generated_examples/savings/plot_ex1_av_paths` plot_rand.py Python script for :doc:`/generated_examples/savings/plot_ex1_rand` plot_option_value.py Python script for :doc:`/generated_examples/savings/plot_ex1_option_value` ========================================= =============================================================== Fixes and Updates =================== * The following formulas are updated. * :func:`savings.CashValue_SE.Projection.inv_return_table` * :func:`savings.CashValue_ME.Projection.claims_over_av` * :func:`savings.CashValue_ME.Projection.claims_from_av` * :func:`savings.CashValue_ME.Projection.inv_return_table` * :func:`savings.CashValue_ME.Projection.margin_expense`